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Actually etymology is a funny thing, niche is a word that can change it's definition in terms of etymology.

For example, in the usage of niche as for how a game sold versus how a game is marketed. Who knew a game like Brain Training would sell over 10 million copies, I thought it would be niche as hell.

The game is as niche as it's marketed, the case of boom blox is amazing, the game has sold 500k (reffering above posts) that's more than many PS3 exclusives or Xbox exclusives that are mainstream and advertized sell.

(Looking at you Haze and Folk Lore!)

I actually like Folk Lore, it' boring half way through though, I hated playing with the girl. But being my 2nd game it was a nice awakening to what the PS3 was going after... It was first party too.

I'm Unamerica and you can too.

The Official Huge Monster Hunter Thread: 

The Hunt Begins 4/20/2010 =D