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NJ5 said:
What, you're advocating primitive policies and imperialist practices and you're surprised by what I said?

Does not compute.

I think it's becasue I was unclear of my logic behind my statement. Nations should act independently of one another, sans for trade/economic matters. Large organizations that require nations to act within certain boundaries are counterproductive to each nation within that organization. Thus why I feel that things like the EU are more dangerous to global economics than two countries in a pissing match, not to mention also dangerous to cultural preservation. NATO has been ineffective almost for as long as it existed, and the UN is the retarded kid in the classroom. If a nation is incapable of governing itself, then it relinquishes the right to be an independent nation, lest it falls into a state of anarchy. No nation should have to play mommy to another nation. A nation shouldn't run to another to tattle on another nation for being mean to them.

While I share the sentiment that Russia invading Georgia is wrong, people shouldn't turn to the US to go out and "do something about it". For nearly a century now, the US has been the crutch for other nations, only to be spat upon when they ask for a thank you in return. The US doesn't need to spend billions more in foreign countries when cities like Philadelphia and Detroit have people starving on the streets. It has its own problems to take care of before it should help other people with their's.