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I strongly disagree with you Ari_Gold

Snes have

Chrono Trigger
Dragon Quest 5
Dragon Quest 3 (remake)
Super mario RPG
Final fantasy 6
Seiken Densetsu 3
Breath of Fire 2
Tales of Phantasia

All those, save for BOF2, are all time great RPGs.

Parasite Eve 2 was a Resident evil rip off, not a RPG. Chrono Cross ruined the Chrono legacy. Breath of Fire 3 is not as good as 2 and not even one of the best RPGs ever. Star Ocean till the end of time took a lot of playing time to get interesting. Dark Cloud was a great improvement from the shitty Dark Cloud but not a AAA+ title. FF 8, X-2 and XII sucked (it is a matter of opinion, but sales were not good for the last 2). Legendia is a kind of excellent game with deadly flaws (gameplay, story on the 2nd part of the game, lack of voice acting). Xenosaga is ok, just not a game that will last forever.

I agree that DQ 8 is the best in the series and that the first Kingdom Hearts rocks. Shin Megami Tensei is good, but not all of them and the series started on Snes (like Tales, Star Ocean, Romancing Saga, Mana series. Parasite Eve was a great experience for me and a fresh start for the RPG formula, yet Squaresoft fucked it up.

You forgot to mention Disgaea and Odim Sphere on the PS2, these games are great. There are action RPGs also for the PSX like Castlevania and Musashi.

I think that the Snes wins on AAA+ titles. I did not even included some WRPGs in the list like Shadowrun and Ultima.

Satan said:

"You are for ever angry, all you care about is intelligence, but I repeat again that I would give away all this superstellar life, all the ranks and honours, simply to be transformed into the soul of a merchant's wife weighing eighteen stone and set candles at God's shrine."