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That's not to say graphics shouldn't progress what-so-ever

No, you're quite wrong. Graphics should never progress. This is it now. The Wii has hit the point of graphical perfection and we need to go no further. lol.

But when will that game come if no one is taking the risk?

People in this thread claim that the Wii's shitty graphics will lead to innovation in other areas. Thing is, when an innovative title like Boom Blox comes out that makes a great use of the Wii Remote, Wii owners ignore it in favour of Mario Kart 94 and Zelda All Over Again. It sold what, 500,000 max with an install base of 30,000,000+. That's piss poor. If good games can't outsell shovelware then the Wii has a pitiful future ahead of it and that game you're telling people to buy in your signature will be the next huge sales failure. Someone even said in this thread that the devs are only predicting sales of half a mil. If that's true, then the core gamers are already abandoning the Wii so if you want more than games like "Toss The Pancake" or "Slice The Cucumber", you better look to another system to provide them.