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I think unless people actually lived during the SNES era, and were huge RPG fans, you'd never understand the entire breadth and depth of the SNES RPG catalogue. The reason the PS2 even has an RPG catalogue is because of the games on SNES:

Final Fantasy IV-VI-MQ
Secret of Series (Mana, Evermore)
Enix ARPG Series (Soul Blazer, Illusion of Gaia, Terrangamia)
Breath of Fire I-II
Lufia I-II
Super Mario RPG
Super Robot Wars
Far East of Eden
Fire Emblem
Romanance of the 3 Kingdoms
Chrono Trigger
Star Ocean
Tales of Phantasia

Those are the ones off the top of my head that either started on SNES, had multiple series featured on SNES, but nevertheless, it gave a huge bit of RPGs their start, and dominance.

So hands down, if you actually lived/played in that era (like I did), the SNES was THE system to own. There were plenty of WRPGs and Sega RPGs that weren't on the SNES, but the majority of real good ones were. The reason the PS1/2 had so many RPGs was the simple dominance issue, whereas the SNES had to prove it and did.

Back from the dead, I'm afraid.