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madskillz said:
kjj4t9rdad said:
The xbox won three straight weeks. SO WHAT!!! The PS3 beat it the previous 7-1/2 months. You actually think that a $199 Arcade will make any difference. The arcade version is worthless. You can't play on line, you can't update the the system or games and you can't even save game progress. People are realising the xbox is a rushed, cheaply made, stripped down version of the PS3. You can buy any xbox and to get it to do what the PS3 does off the shelf, you have to spend more than what the PS3 costs. Not to mention the $10 a month you have to pay for online playing. Over the supposed 7 year cycle that microsoft claims, that is $420 extra. But don't worry, your x-box 360 will have the infamous "ring of death" long before that seventh year comes. I wonder how many of the X-box's 20 million is sales are replacements for ones that have died. Don't forget there are less that 13 million x-box live users, where are the remaining 7 million?
My prediction is the PS3 will pass the x-box by the middle of 2009. After that microsoft will abandon the console industry. They have lost billions on the 360 and there is no end in sight.

O'RLY? Source, please. Tell your butt to PM me this info because it's obvious you pulled this info from out of there. Your *trolling* is clueless and utterly pathetic.



Is it true that you can play online games on XBL without paying the $10 monthly fee? I am an XBL gold member and I pay $10 every month. Enlighten me, so that I can save that money.



It is better to die on one's feet

then live on one's knees