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I don't get why it's such a big deal. Other than being yet another humiliating slap on the collectively red faces of Sony and their mindless drone fanboys. MS what if they did? They have the money, they want people to buy their console so they make the effort to get as many good games for it as possible. I imagine it works out cheaper to pay 3rd parties for games rather than buying up studios THEN funding development for games yourself.

And Square...asked to take money to allow for the future potential to market their game to twice as many potential players. Yeah, no brainer there. Frankly, the only people who can realistically have the right to be upset are Sony themselves, and even that is a stretch. Games that were exclusive or timed exclusive to Sony last gen now aren't because they dragged their feet and MS didn't. Tough shit, as we say in Glasgow. :D

Will you teach me to football?