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Saying the 360 will win 7 of the next 8 weeks is going out on a limb. All things considered, it is possible but there are so many imponderables (has demand built up for the PS3 whilst Sony manoeuvres the new SKU onto the market or have they lost potential customers to their competitors due to the shortage of PS3s?; and will the 360 get the price cut mooted for so long on the forums?) for predicting 8 weeks in advance that it's a difficult call to make. What can be said with some certainty is that the PS3 is going to lose some market share this coming week by dropping a point, and that is likely to be repeated in the coming weeks whilst the PS3 stock remains low. DMeisterJ's prediction that the PS3 would have 25% market share by the end of 2008, which always looked improbable barring a major correction to VGChartz data, surely looks impossible now.