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Stan85 said:
I think you are forgetting that Gears 1 impressed many pc gamers that didn`t bought a 360 because there was no need. Gears 2 is exclusive to 360 and it`s a better game than the first,so many pc players will buy the 360 now because it has a big price drop and a great game.

==> GoW2 will go PC too

and PC gamers can easly pick a 300-350$ premium. They will never buy a Arcade ...

GTA 4 on pc was easy to tell,and when everybody is done with the game,they will want more.Tha 360 will have 2 x 10 hours of more fun,so...yes,another one for 360.

==> next year ...yes, for sure.

Believe me,xbox 360 will be ahead of ps3. You are only talking about brand lolalty and that is prety big in US for the 360.

==> false.

If it was true, considering the price, then PS3 would never have succeed to match the Xbox360 sales during the first 6 months. There is a true brand loyalty also in the US.

Europe is where the ps3 does better and in Japan ps3 is selling not so good.

The only question is : how the Xbox360 arcade will succeed to sell to casual ?

with others words : how the Arcade 200$ will fight versus the Wii 250$ ?



Time to Work !