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So for the last two days I've been in a major Civilization 4 conquest mode and literally not touched the tv or internet. Tonight I decide to break myself away from conquering the last continent to watch our dvr copy of the Olypmic opening ceremony, my God China did a great job on that btw, and during that I hear the CBS people mention a war with Russia and Georgia when they noticed Bush and Putin discussing something from their seats.

Now, I spent the remaining hour or so reading up on what I missed over the last few days and DAMN!

I think this will end in one of three ways.

1. NATO and UN pushes Georgia to give up S. Ossetia and Russia agrees to push the other areas in Georgia to stand down. Of course this will happen in a way that NATO looks like the hero.

2. This is going to be like Afghanistan. US and probably some other NATO members are going to heavily help Georgia and probably Ukraine behind the scenes with advanced military weapons. This will continue for awhile, possibly a long while. With the possibility of other Russian breakaways joining in, all with NATO underground assistance.

3. This is going to cause a much larger war between NATO (Read US and a few brave others like Poland) and Russia. Least likely IMO as none of the 'big' nations really want to have a war with each other. Its much easier fighting the little guys.

I hope this ends soon and just returns to the status quo.