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Rath said:
mrstickball said:
It's kind of hard for Georgia not to retaliate when South Ossetia rebels were the ones to fire first.

I don't believe it's "coincidence" that South Ossetia broke the cease fire, and attacked Georgia, provoking huge retaliation, thus in turn, getting Russia to start bombing the crap out of Georgia.

After all, how could Georgia be shooting down Russian bombers if they clearly weren't deep into Georgian airspace?

I agree with Menago - Russia is losing power in the former bloc nations, and is testing the West to see exactly how far they can get. Thank God Poland is having the balls (at the moment) to say that Russia is trying to make a power play, and will do what's needed to stop it. I am all for Poland (and any other nation) sending forces to Georgia to try and force the Russians out of the region.


Question, how much does China support Russia?

I know they have recently been agreeing on a fair few issues and I'm just wondering whether they would issue any support for Russia if the conflict would escalate.

I think China will do nothing at all.  The relations between China and Russia are nothing more than like every country who haves a neighbour country.