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konnichiwa said:
MrBubbles said:
kamil, you cant annex your own territory. and the ossetian rebels violated a cease fire provoking a heavy reaction from georgia..
russia is the one that wants to annex georgian territory. russia has been arming these rebels for a while now.


What about Montenegro and Kosovo?

Edit: Somehow I missed annex.

Yeah, that's about the only difference. Makes it more like the "revolution" of Texas when a bunch of american dicks moved in, revolted then joined the US like 10 years later.

Still it's a VERY big difference.

Well that and the fact that the only reason South Ossetia wants to join Russia is because the region was set up by the USSR in the first place.

They would basically be benefiting from the dirty deeds they planted in their heyday.

Well that and it wasn't internationally reconized as South Ossetia just wants to be free "because" and not because they were particularly harmed in some way like Kosovo.  Which again is a big difference.

Montenegro.  Well that was just a different case all together.