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I'm assuming that most people' knowledge about Georgia and Szaakaszwili' doings is quite limited. Szaakaszwali came to power with intention to unite re-join "revolted" republics (not only South Ossetia don't want be part of Georgia).

He succeded with Ajaria and now was time continue his idea with the annex of South Ossetia. On 7th of August Georgia launched surprised attack on Tskhinvali (capital of South Ossetia). With escalation of violance lots of civilians fleed to Russia. On August 8th Russian army crossed South Ossetia border with intention to secure its own people (lots of Ossetian have Russian passport).

The conflict escalated on 9th of August with lots of people being killed on both sides including civilians living in Georgia.
I'm sure that situation is complicated and it not easy to put blame on one side but it was Georgia that attacked first.
On the other hand from reading this thread one could think that Putin in an Devil incarnation and Russian Republic new Nazi Germany.

And if someone is wondering how it will end: obviously Russia will won and South Ossetia independence will be strengthen. Szaakaszwili hoped that Russia won't take action durign Olympics so he could annex Ossetia republic with ease but that didn't happen.

It won't be World War III. There've been lots of conflicts since WWII and public don't know square about most of them (including Second Congo War - the biggest one since '45 with around 4 mil victims) and any of them lead to global conflict and for most Americans didn't care a bit. I'm guessing that wars with a continetnal of global power included are much more highlighted by media.