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Rath said:

I would say Hitler was worse than Stalin simply through his cold killing machine designed to wipe out an entire race - Stalin simply didn't give a fuck about his people and let them starve to death. Either way, both were dicks.

This situation could turn out really bad, if it's true that Ukraine is fighting alongside Georgia then this has the potential to boil over big time. Aren't both Georgia and Ukraine being courted for NATO membership?


I don't think anyone said they're fighting alongside each other... Russia just said Ukraine supplied them with weapons and moral support for going into Ossetia. Yes, both of them were supposed to enter NATO at some point, mainly because the USA wanted that to happen.

If Russia does something to Ukraine, it's game over... I don't think they will though.

PS: From what I read, that famine caused by Stalin was not simply an accident ;)


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