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Kasz216 said:
konnichiwa said:

Thank you USA, Canada etc for saving us from the Germans, and for the Russians who helped us and gave so many lifes for us with helping defeating the Germans.....FUCK YOU!!! We don't needed you Communism pigs!! Ah I love the fucked up world.

Communist russia was actually worse then Hitlers Germany.

They killed more of their own people during the same era of Hitlers rule then Hitler did. For what it's worth.

Usually reported is like 20 million people. He just did it in Eastern Europe so people care less... and was also more of an equal oppurtunity butcher. Of course the guy who esitmated that said it was likely underestimated and could be raised by as much as 50%. Hell it might even be more considering what they considered deaths when estimated.

This is a totally different government... but yeah. Plenty of people had plenty of reasons to hate communist russia... and have plenty of reasons to be edgy when the government starts backsliding back into a dictatorship and invading former soviet block countires.

Stalin was much worse then Hitler. Or maybe just as bad with more oppurtunity.

If a murderer saves your life it doesn't change the fact that he's a murderer.

(Note: Different government in russia currently however, even if they are backpedalling from democracy to a military dictatorship.  Though most people tend to not trust military dictatorships who usurp the rule of the people.)


I would say Hitler was worse than Stalin simply through his cold killing machine designed to wipe out an entire race - Stalin simply didn't give a fuck about his people and let them starve to death. Either way, both were dicks.

This situation could turn out really bad, if it's true that Ukraine is fighting alongside Georgia then this has the potential to boil over big time. Aren't both Georgia and Ukraine being courted for NATO membership?