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All Sony fanboys complaining about Microsoft throwing money should just remember this. Sony threw money and told stores if they carried Dreamcast games they would not allow them to carry Sony games. One of the greatest systems destroyed by Sony bully tactics, oh yah and my gf's dad used to work for Sega game design, after the DC died Sega stole his work and laid him off the company (if you say he's lazy and should've been kicked no it's because his main work wasn't actually on the game design but he did engine work and tools, the first people to get kicked out of Sega, right now he's working 15 hours a day on a program called keyhole tv which can stream live video with 3 second delay. So what great evil has Microsoft done by giving 360 owners a SE game if and only if they did bribe Squenix. Did MS make sure PS3 owners can't enjoy the game? Did Ms completely destroy a console, or make people's lives much harder? Anyone complaining should stop being so insanely spoiled.

-=Dew the disco dancing fo da Unco Graham=-