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The head of OSCE (currently the Finnish foreign minister) is travelling to Georgia on Monday, and he says that he doesn't expect a short-term resolution of this crisis.

Finnish Foreign Minister Alexander Stubb travels to the conflict region in Georgia on Monday. Stubb will travel to the Georgian capital Tbilisi in his role as Chairman of he Organisation for Security and Cooperation in Europe, the OSCE.

The Foreign Minister had previously urged both sides to cease all military action and engage in face to face negotiations. Stubb outlined the purpose of his trip at the Helsinki-Vantaa airport on his return from vacation in Italy.

The Foreign Minister described the situation as very serious. He also said he does not believe that there would be a short term resolution. He added that the situation has been complicated by Russia's involvement in the conflict.

On Saturday Georgian President Mikhail Saakashvili said that Russia had launched a full-scale military invasion of his country and called for an immediate case-fire. The country also declared a state of war, which it said would last 15 days.

On Friday Georgia engaged separatist forces in South Ossetia after a cease-fire was broken Thursday night. Georgia said its intention was to restore order. Russia intervened to lend support to the separatists and both sides are now duelling in the region.

Russian fighter jets were said to have bombed the Georgian town of Gori, which lies near the border with South Ossetia, and civilian casualties have been reported. Russia claims to have seized control of the South Ossetian capital but Georgia has denied the claim.

South Ossetia and Abhkazia, another separatist region, broke away from Georgia in the early 1990s after bloody wars.


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