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Ugh really the media have a hard time to choose a side this time.

Georgians say their are almost no casualties.

Russia says their are thousands of casualties.

Then I see some footage of burning buildings, dead bodies on the ground etc...

Who to believe?

Then I see a discussion of two womans.  One talks about how horrible Russian is by attacking a port etc...

Then the other one says isn't it normal at war that those things happen 'Do we forgot Dresden? Hiroshima etc'..

The discussion goes on....Then the second woman start about how this is like Kosovo the majority of the people in South Ossetia wants to be a part of Russia but Georgia doesn't allow it and the Western World closed their eyes for those Russian people in South Ossetia simply because they were Pro Russia?   While we put a lot of attention for those people in kosovo who wanted to be independent of a Pro Russian country....

Then the first woman stand up and called the other woman a Pro russian B*tch.  Ha I love the media.

Ugh I really have a hard time to say who is wrong if I was Russian and see how people are in danger in South Ossetia simply because they have a Russian passport or like Russia more well I guess I would fight Georgia aswell.

If I was Georgian I probably will fight the Russian citizens/troops...

If this was a war between Georgia and Azerbadjan we/media probably would be neutral and say they are both wrong..But hey this is Russia...We will always hate Russia, we live in countries who a democracy so hate Russia! Thank you USA, Canada etc for saving us from the Germans,  and for the Russians who helped us and gave so many lifes for us with helping defeating the Germans.....FUCK YOU!!!  We don't needed you Communism pigs!! Ah I love the fucked up world.