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Quickdraw McGraw said:
Stats87 said:

Does Resistance 2 have any sort of skill progression or level gaining for their online Multiplayer?

The first Resistance had level progression, and provided unlocks for character customizations.
I haven't heard anything regarding skill progression in R2, although they haven't covered the level system that extensively yet. I do know that R2 has a much more complete stat-tracking system that rewards players based more on teamwork and objectives within their squad.

To be honest, single-player in both games is pretty much up to preference. One is a more creative "run'n'gun", while the other is a more tactic-based "stop'n'pop". I do think Resistance's backstory and atmosphere were leagues above Gears', and it's online mode was more enjoyable.
We'll see how the sequels fare against eachother, but a comprison between the two is hard given their play-styles.

R:FoM Online had level progression? I only played it online for around 2 - 3 hours, I just beat the Campaign a few times.