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Death2009 said: Christopher_G2 said: Death2009 said: anything that shows the big N is slowing is good news for gaming. It dropped by over 100k in north america and now is falling in japan! Nintendo, your time of dominance is coming to an end! The only reason it sold 100k less is that Nintendo shipped 100k less during that period, which was as everyone knows a week shorter than the Januar period. Every Wii that hit stores has sold out you moron. sigh, let me break it down for you. Febuary is only about 3 days shorter than January and even if it was the same length the wii would still have sold 100k less due to the fact it on averge sold LESS PER DAY! January sold - 485k Febuary sold - 335k January per day - 15,645 Febuary per day - 11,964 If Febuary was 31 days the wii would have sold 370,892 which is still 100k less than january. The 3 day difference would not have made an impact at all. This is all 3rd grade math.
Except NPD doesn't work from the 1st of the month to the last day of the month. Instead, it may be from the 3rd to the 2nd of the next month, or any other odd combination. NPD does weeks, most months are four week months, NPD reports on 28 days of sales. Every third month or so, they do a 5 week reporting period, 35 days, to make up for the missing days. Jan was a 5week NPD month. Feb was a 4 week. Generally, you should expect lower sales across the board on 4week months. Look at 360, 293k in Jan, 228k in Feb. Wii and PS3 also dropped a lot. Not all the fluctuations are due to the extra week, for example PS3 fell much greater than 1 week of sales, while DS actually sold much more, because it was out of stock in Jan. Those were the two exceptions. Simply put, too get a weekly average, you must divide total sales by the # of weeks in the reporting period. There wasn't a big fall in 360 sales, it actually held steady on a weekly basis. Same for Wii. Too look at 360 sales, 293k in Jan versus 228k in Feb, you may go "wow big drop". But weekly sales was 293/5= 58.6k vs 228/4=57k in Feb, almost the same. However, of course PS3 took a big drop in weekly sales as well. You're simply mistakem in your assumption that NPD goes by exact calender months. They do not. They use 28 and 35 day "reporting periods" that roughly corrospond to a given month, but not exactly. January was a 35 day (5 week) reporting period, some days at the end of December and a couple at the begining of Feb was included. Feb was a 28 day (4 week) period. As too what months are 4 week amd which are 5 week, I dont know, I get that info from knowledgable posters at Gaf.