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Soriku said:
Not one post saying "OMG! leo-j is back!"? Wow.

Anyway...of course the developer of the game would say something like that.


That was the first thing that came to mind, well, welcome back Leo-J I guess. Anyways, of course he's going to back up his game, that's the main competitor to Gears 2 on the PS3, and not to mention that RFoM and Gears 1 were compared to death since they released around the same time. As for which is better, Gears 2 is practically the same, if not, very similar to Gears 1, although Gears 1 was good, playing Gears 2 will have that been there done that feeling. If R2 is alot like RFoM (which so far, it doesn't look like it is, based on things added, different narrative/story telling), then I would think that Gears 2 would be better, but R2 is looking like a big step up from RFoM.