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Sintinel said: Kwaad said: Dont think I attack Nintendo because their Nintendo. This is exactly what you do. Over and over and over and over and over and over again. You do it with pretty much every single one of your posts. You are sickening in your fanboyism, and count your lucky stars there isn't a rule against being an extremely delusional fanboy. I get emails, PM's, and people in IRC telling me all the time that you are the single biggest reason they don't post more often on the boards. It's already gotten you warned numerous times, and banned once, and it will probably result in your eventual perma-ban. You have been told by me and pretty much every mod on this board to chill out with the constant Nintendo bashing, but I'm afraid that there isn't much hope that you will ever learn. You just don't get it. /rant. EDIT: Like I said, being a fanboy isn't against the rules, so this isn't a warning or official mod post whatsoever, just one user to another.
I just wanna say in responce to this. I waited in line for 12 hours, becuase I expected so much out of the Wii. 12 hours waiting in line. Do you know how long I waited in line for my PS3? I didnt. I infact, didnt expect to get a PS3 for 6 months. Do you think I'm anti-nintendo, becuase I say 'Zelda: WindWaker' is one of the best 3D puzzle/platformer games of all time? When I see a series It should go like this, from worst to greatest. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 not like this. (which is how zelda goes) 1 7 6 5 4 3 2 I understand that not every game is gonna be a smash hit. How is me saying Wii Sports is Next gen in gameplay is attacking and hating nintendo? Friggin A+ I list off what I feel are land-mark games in diffrent classes... that mostly are PC/360... and That is Pro sony and anti Nintendo? Would I still be anti N if I said? Zelda: TP is the best game ever and is unrivaled in every way. Zelda:TP is the best looking game of all time, it has the most unique and creative art of all time, and the gameplay is only matched by the most recent zelda! If I was to seriously say that much positive about a game... I doubt it was ever released. Let me give an example. God of War. I feel it was one of the most amazing... gameplay, the fluidity... it felt like Kratos was actually attacking the things, it felt he was actually interacting with them. Really there... being controlled by my fingers... The weapons moved fluid and seamless... not herky-jerky-herk like most games do. I praised Wii Sports. That wasnt a anti-nintendo rant. That was what I feel is innovation. I listed WiiSports in there. So dont even THINK I turn a blind eye to nintendo's good stuff.

PSN ID: Kwaad

I fly this flag in victory!