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Well, let's see, first of all let me contribute by saying that my wife, while we were dating, did it in a movie theater and in the changing room by a pool in a hotel when people could come in, but before her, i used to do stuff in parked cars all the time, like, fully do stuff. A girlfriend and I in high school parked in a forest preserve and got stopped by the cops. My shirt was on backwards and our hair was messed up. It was hilarious until the cop asked her if "she was ok" and "was he doing anything she didn't want to." It kinda ruined the concept. I suppose that's all well and fine, since it's safe, but seriously.


Oh, and by the way, Lakes, Wave Pools, Hot Tubs, etc., DO NOT HAVE SEX IN THEM! Unless you have sex in, like, a bathtub you have recently cleaned, all those places are cesspools of filth, and she WILL get a UTI or yeast infesction or whatever eventually, if not the first time. So, find a better place for your outdoor schenanigans! ;)


OH! once when i was working at a restaurant the hostess and I made out and grinded against the wall and did a little under-the-shirt fun in one of the rooms not being used that night, right next to other rooms that had customers.

The Atheist's Wager "It is better to live your life as if there are no
Gods, and try to make the world a better place for your
being in it. If there is no God, you have lost nothing
and will be remembered fondly by those you left behind.
If there is a benevolent God, He will judge you on your
merits and not just on whether or not you believed in Him."