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Timmah! said:
rendo said:
I'm with Acumen as well. Incest, rape, dangerous to mother, you can abort. Reckless sexual encounters with no protection or protection fails and you're not ready to be a parent? TOO FUCKING BAD. Deal with it, or put it up for adoption. Most of the people here don't have kids so you're making a decision without understanding the REAL picture.

And don't spout off bullshit about having nieces, nephews, cousins, younger siblings, etc. It isn't the same, it never will be. Until you actually have your own REAL spawn, you won't understand.


I don't necessarily agree with aboriton even in those cases. Why introduce another trauma (aboriton) on top of the trauma of rape or incest? How would you like to tell them, "now that you've experienced the trauma of being raped, let's put the guilt of killing your own child right on top of that", this sounds like the worst possible thing to do to the mother. Talk about ramping up the suicide rate in those women! Adoption can be the most healing thing in this case, you get to see something positive come out of your terrible experience.


yeah you seem to think it that case its manditory, i personaly think it would be good for woman to take it full term to take back some of the control in her life and get some of her strength back, then if she can live witht eh baby and not be reminded of the rape keep it or give it up for adoption...

but if mentaly teh woman cant handle what was done to her it is not our place to let her do what she thinks is best, after all she didnt get a choice to have it done to her ya know?

i am a firm believer that your right to choice is weither or not you can wear protection for sex, if you make a bad choice you shouldnt be given a chance for a do over...after all teh baby your killing dosent get a do over