Words Of Wisdom said:
Let me know if it stays laggy or gets better. |
It was laggy even when you left.
The lag wasn't THAT bad when it was just me and brute left, but there was still lag.
I blame Nintendo!
Words Of Wisdom said: PS: iclim4, you missed a great match on the scrolling Mario stage. My Wario used a fart to KO Riot and Truck at the same time. Unfortunately due to the sheer power of his fart... he flew into the ceiling and died. -_- |
Haha, that's funny.
I would have loved to see that. ^_^
You also missed an awesome match with luin.
After you left someone turned items on.
I had two sun thingys rolling around the arena at one time, then me and luin both picked up reflectors and we also both picked up rabbit ears and banana peels. The banas were just bouncing around haha. The match ended with me and luin passing around a sticky bomb.
Her Marth was like a sec away from my pit when the bomb finally exploded and killed her. ^_^
Words Of Wisdom said: I'm pretty sure it's me. I picked Luigi and every match after as had way too much lag for me. I can't get any kills let alone win a single match. By the time my character responds to an opponent it's too late and it's already looking at an impending smash to the face. The best I can manage is 1 kill a match and that's only if I spam smash attacks hoping that someone is silly enough to get in the way (*cough* iclim4 *cough*). I think I'm pretty much done for the night. |
Hehe, but it was funny huh?
I even fed myself 3 times to that giant frog. All that lag made me want to just mess around.
Still very enjoyable games Luin, Wow, brute, truck and Riot.
I'm off to do chores.
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