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Riot Of The Blood said:
What do you know, Iclim wins by doing nothing but smash spamming and rolling. Some skill. The only way to have won would have been to camp. I would have to wait for the roll and bait him into stuff. What fun is that? I want to attack, which can't be done in this game.

Yeah cause Ike is such a good smash spammer.

And I tilt spam with shiek if you didn't notice.

My Pit might smash a lot but that's because his fsmash does a lot of damage and comes out of a shield really quick.
Plus I did a lot of ftilts and down tilts aswell.

Why would you worry about marth's fsmash? You're the one who keeps saying it's useless and has a lot of lag.
Some of them was part of a grab combo, which is how I landed most of my tips.

You might just see it as smash spamming and rolling(which I believe I didn't use to the point of being called spamming) but I planned those moves with a strategy in mind, which evidently you didn't notice.

Kirby was just fun. I don't know how to use him.
So I went smash happy. You saw how far that went...

How about I propose to you an idea that you proposed to me.
If my playstyle pisses you off so much, just say no next time I try to join.
Obviously you can't aknowledge me as being somewhat skillful in SSBB. But would rather just resort to calling me cheap and a spammer.

Anyway, fun games Riot, you might have not enjoyed our games, but I still did.

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