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This topic calls for a classic. After all, a picture is worth a thousand words...


With that out of the way...

I believe the topic creator's predictions are flawed in three ways: Firstly, one cannot linearly extrapolate annual sales, as they will increase to a peak after several years, then decline slowly afterward.  Secondly, the console wars have always been heavily based on self-sustaining momentum caused by a feedback loop of sales, word of mouth, and development.  In that, the Wii already won this entire generation pretty much right out the gate.  Finally, as others have pointed out, the history of the console wars has shown that it is the winners, and not the losers, who will keep a console on the market the longest - the latter are always the ones to design and launch a new system first so as to try and recapture marketshare.

Super World Cup Fighter II: Championship 2010 Edition