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Yes at least your finally admiting what I stated about 17 posts ago which is that I'm only stating the obvious - for a mod you sure love personal attacks though.

Oh but what isn't obvious is that you in particular are attacking the issue in such an introverted manner that in plain english would translate to:

"It's not possible because Mac OS is an OS and not a GUI so could you please say that Mac OS isn't comparable to any GUI."

Clearly theres something wrong with you if your willing the pick at your own wording in such a manner.

Like I said, YOU put words in my mouth or actually redefined what I said and now your attacking what you defined, I made an aparantly according to you obvious remark and instead of being taken as what it is it's taken as what you wanted it to be, for what intent I haven't the foggiest. Congrats though on whatever you strived to achieve.

Of course now this is going to go into where your personal attack is, to moot that nasty little direction I'll say if I cared enough I'd report it and not state that your doing it.

In all honesty I'm not even close to perplexed as to how this got so far as to require cherry picking and personal attacks for sake of emphasizing a point; my co-worker goes there all the time, it's called fanaticism, I'm not into tech any more, I'm just a consumer and as far as I'm concerned I spend my money on what I see, that is how the two are comparable.

If XMB should be used as a GUI for Home should Home be the first virtual OS then I'm saying XMB would be much easier to work with over as you named it and the only useful piece of info I got from this thread: "Carbon" in the state I was using it in.

I'm not retracting anything, if anything I was honestly expecting an apology for the interruption by those two others and definetly you for attacking me as a person and not my point, which doesn't even get addressed unless it's around the words: "You don't get it."

Also just because the world decides that gasoline is the easiest way to go doesn't mean it's the right way to go. Also chill with the analogies they really don't get your point across just be direct and understand not just relate.

I mean for Pete's sake I agree'd with you many many many times, yet your still argueing the same old tired point and saying I'm wrong, I've been saying were argueing different points and your just not understanding my point. I realized later it's not misconception it's redefinition, maybe even fanaticism, whether it be Tech or the Mac OSX itself I don't care.

Have a good night/

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