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S.T.A.G.E. said:
skip said:
S.T.A.G.E. said:
LOL...try putting up games that aren't multiplat on the list that would be more interesting. I'm sure he has the other systems.

Tombi: Sony lost the heavenly sword franchise, because Sony are a bunch of *Explicit*


what the hell are you talking about sony owns the heavenly sword ip.


LOL...I stated the franchise smart one, not just the first game. The second game was cancelled and the devs split ways with Sony for *Explicit* treatment.

Uhhh, Sony owns the Heavenly Sword IP. As in they own the franchise. As in the only way you'd see HS on another system is if Sony gave the okay.

OT: My top 5 games are...

Ratchet and Clank Future: Tools of Destruction


Resistance: Fall of Man (don't ask why)

Heavenly Sword

Motorstorm (using the SIXAXIS was by far the best part. Its what got me back into racing games.)