Just played it for 4 hours. At first, it feels weird to pick up but now it seems more rewarding than i thought it would be. The real question in tiger is how the swing is calculated. Every other aspect of the game makes wii golf look really like just a tech demo. The Swing in Wii Golf: 1:1 movement and the back and down swing has no interference on speed. speed is just calculated on acceleration of the wiimote. The Swing in Tiger: 1:1 movement at the beginning of the back swing and all the downswing. What he doesn't count for is what you do between these two. you start the backswing and if you stop, the game player will go all the way back and wait for you to downswing. Speed is 90% calculated on the length of the backswing and 10% on the speed of the downswing (the power boost). This means that you don't have to use force as in wii golf, but instead as you play it more often you time your swing on the tempo of the animation making it much more easy to control the speed of the swing. it's not perfect... i think 60% / 40% speed calculation will be much more rewarding as you would have to use force to actually get big shots, but it's much more accurate than wii golf. oh, and you can draw in various degrees.