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Million said:
This is kinda off topic but who profits from loads of people defaulting on their loan payments , the economic chrisis must mean that the money is going into someones pockets right ? I mean the money can't just disapear can it ?.

IS america or UK really in a recession ? here in the UK there's quite a few job losses and such but apart from life being more expensive everthing seems to be business as usual ,i'm a student and i can't say i'm feeling the effects on any economy downturn . Even economic growth is slowing down in the UK it has halted or become negative so we can't technicaly be is a recession.

I wish i could bring you guys to the exam hall :(.


Noone really profit now.

The profit was made back 2-3 years ago when people were sold mortgage they coudn't afford and bought houses they coudn't afford...

On a positive note the ones that made the profit ( mortgage companies, banks, home builders) are now the one loosing cash so there is a justice :P


PS : Oh and money can totally disappear or appear overnight....

1) example : you own stock of company , a rumor is spread about that company and the stock  goes up by 10%.

Well that's money that was created right there . Money would have disappeared if the company stock had tanked.

It's true there are things like short-selling that allow some people to make money when a stock goes down but generally speaking when the stock market goes up, money is created, when it comes down, money diseappear....

There are tonns of way to generate and make cash disappear, you really would be surprised...


PS3-Xbox360 gap : 1.5 millions and going up in PS3 favor !

PS3-Wii gap : 20 millions and going down !