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rocketpig said:
DTG said:
goddog said:

@DTG, so, simcity, civilization, and europa universales

are not intellectually stimulating ....

sorry but id have to disagree, and as for artistic id have to say gears was mighty impressive with the scenery, though to each their own,

have a BFA could be an art nazi


@ali thanks for the list i do remeber when nintendo was much cheaper... apple had all that cash just laying around ... and still does... maybe they could buy sony


What did those games inspire you to learn, teach you about life and yourself or had a profound impact on your worldview?

What games by Sony have profoundly affected your worldview?



Are you trying to tell us that RIDING A DRAGON didn't blow your mind away!!

Proud Member of GAIBoWS (Gamers Against Irrational Bans of Weezy & Squilliam)