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rocketpig said:

You think Apple users are annoying? Just ask a Linux user what he thinks about Windows sometime... I guarantee you that you'll have an almost irresistible urge to punch said Linux troll in the face by minute five. They're even more self-righteous and annoying than the most ardent Apple supporter.

Erm... no?

I use Linux all the time, but doing so doesn't mean I dislike Windows.  Quite the opposite really, using Linux actually helps me appreciate all the things that Windows does for me that I tend to take for granted since I don't always have access to them (or in the same way) on Linux.

To me, operating systems are tools.  iPods are tools.   Most all electronic devices are tools.  I don't really care what the vendor is as long as the device does what I want/need it to.

As for Apple users, I've met tons of annoying ones with maybe 1 who wasn't obsessed with his OS choice.  Now, do I think all Apple users are like that?  That would be silly, but my personal experience in this area isn't favorable.  Despite that, I'm not about to make a wide-sweeping generalization about the entire Apple fanbase any more than I would about the entire Windows or Linux one.   Each one is likely to have its zealots, but I'm not going to let those folks ruin the experience for me.