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I'm gonna sum this up.
HDTV is cheaper because they're usually plasma/lcd
Digital does not mean High Def, most channels will still be SD you'll just need a digital tuner.

None of this matters much anyway even the format war is moot. Protein coated disks are well into their testing stage and hold -up to- 50 Terabytes so when they're ready(estimdate mid 2008) kiss blue ray and HD-DVD goodbye.

OLED TV is also well into it's testing phases and will easily replace both plasma and LCD as it's thinner, lighter, easier to make, less energy consumption and far less restrictive in what sizes and shapes the TV can be.(can be as small as a postage stamp and still function fine) We may even see these things on packaging in the future.

Also a Japanese company(forgot the name) is already able to demo it's UHDV, Ultra High Definition Video which outputs in sizes that make 1080p look like nothing. 7680 x 4320

Just food for thought here, even if PS3 has a longer life... Wii was an instant success and can turn in early to make way for newer cheaper stronger tech and steal PS3's thunder half way through it's "long life" forcing sony into developing yet another cutting edge expensive monster and push them into remaining with PS3 as an overall loss.. just a thought though.