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I've always liked the Sims. But I have always felt that sims are much too lazy and idiotic. I think their stress free lifestyles have contributed to this. What sort of dummy burns his house down using a microwave? Can sims not KNOCK before entering a bathroom? You'd think they'd be more efficient the way they can spin themselves into new clothing. It's about time Sims had more damn discipline.

So I have a great new idea for a sims expansion along with the gazillions of other expansions. It's called SimOffice. Here's how it would work.

You control the actions of a sim in your SimOffice space. The boss is an NPC that will patrol around the workspace at random intervals. When the boss is gone this will be signified by a large disco ball that would descend from the ceiling. The goal is to fulfill your sim's needs all during the patrol of an iron fisted boss. Along with the other already established needs, your sim would have to satisfy the 3 needs of your boss which are asskissing, backstabbing, and gossip. Of course, none of your needs can be met while the boss is around. If you happen to be doing anything not related to work or socializing with the boss, you are instantly reprimanded. Enough reprimands and your sim would be fired (I.E caught away from your desk while in the bathroom pissing 3 times and it's over pal) and the game would be over. In addition to individual sim needs, there would be overall group sim needs such as Morale, Dignity, Respect that would have to be met as well.

The more fullfilled your bosses needs are, the less likely she'll/he'll ask you to do things like work saturdays or pick up his laundry, which would lower the Morale and Dignity needs. If you do fulfill the needs of your boss, he/she will allow you to tag along for lunch which will give you much more time to fulfill your comfort and hunger needs and will introduce you to VIPs when they come to visit, increasing your respect need.

But the clincher, is to maintain the one priority need called Workload, which no one does unless the boss is around. Precariously balancing the workload need along with your human needs and group needs is the key to success at this game. You would also have to be wary of other sims sabotaging your workload, ratting you out, and trying to fulfull their social needs with you when the boss comes within proximity.

I think we should get Will Wright and Maxis on this as soon as possible.

Obi-Wan: I felt a great disturbance in the Industry, as if millions of fanboys suddenly cried out in terror and were suddenly silenced.