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shio said:
Squilliam said:

This site deals with economics and behavioural analysis on a daily or weekly basis. It is typical when doing this type of analysis to control the independant variables other than the ones being analysed. Because it is unknown how the PC market specifically effects the PS3 or the Wii and even the Xbox360.

Your line of thought is wrong: we are not dealing with variables, but constants... each game takes a single True or False value on "Is it X360 exclusive?". You can't have it both ways as it would disrupt the real definition of exclusive.

We aren't dealing with constants. Its all in shades of grey. The term exclusive means different things to different people when they look through the lens of their own perspective. People who are PC gamers have a different perspective to people who aren't. You can't nail down a definition for exclusivity because different people have different perspectives and valid insights into their own expectations and desires. From the angle of someone wishing to compare console to console, the term "exclusive" is strictly valid from that perspective. Furthermore this whole thread is designed for people making comparisions from THAT perspective, so therefore using the term "exclusive" in this context is correct.

Squilliam said:

As the OP said, this is a tool for Xbox360 owners or people with an interest in purchasing/comparing an Xbox360 and want to know about what games are incoming for the system.

So what about PC gamers who want to see what X360 has to offer compared to PC? They will either get plastered bythe so-called PC/360 "exclusives", or they won't notice the small prints and convince themselves that games like Age of Conan are 360 only.

They can see quite plainly can't they? They can see the words "Pc/Xbox360" written under the games. Its asinine to assume ignorance, especially from as PC gamers are used to reading the fine print on the back of game boxes.

What is the real reason why PC isn't considered as a gaming platform here? Is it for 360 gamers wanting to get "exclusives" leverage over PS3 owners? If anything, PC is alot more alike to X360 than the PS3 is. Both share similar architecture, both have an unusual overlap of games, both have superior online services compared to the other platforms. X360 is the closest thing the PC has as a rival.

I think you've missed the point here, I don't think anyone here would ever say that the PC is NOT a valid gaming platform. I have my own PC - 2.4ghz C2D, 3gb Ram, 8800gt etc, and I intend to play every game I can on it. This thread is a tool for those wishing to look at the offerings of a console. Its made from the perspective of a PS3 vs Xbox360 comparison, not including PC games is also making an assumption that people who are making the comparison are willing and or able to use a PC to play these games on.

And the funny part is, I've heard so many 360/PS3 gamers say that PC is dieing and that all the gamers are switching to the Xbox 360 and PS3 (even though it's BS). So tell me, if many X360 owners consider the PC as a rival platform, why would they be permissive in loosening the term "exclusive" to include PC games? 

PC gaming is thriving! Do you think im not a fan of the PC platform because I have TWO gaming PCs and I use one of them my multimedia centre. I've enjoyed Crysis on High on a 53" TV and because of it, I cannot be impressed by any console game from a technical perspective. Artistically yes I can apreciate good work there but the technical limitations are obvious to me.

This isn't about excluding the PC as a viable platform! Remember its all about perspective.

Squilliam said:

The people who have a PC are obviously intelligent enough that when they read the thread they can self-select for themselves games that they know they won't play on the Xbox360 anyway. So why is it an issue from this perspective when the OP makes it specifically clear which games are fully exclusive and which games are split between the PC/Xbox360?

One looking at how the list is structured, it's hard to notice which are the real exclusives and which are PC/360. There is no difference in both, except the adding of "/PC" that is completely drowned on green.

And it's not about just that. What is in the OP is like when some people just keep saying how Wii is not "next-gen" because it doesn't support HD. It's totally disregarding a valid platform for the sake of their own e-penises.

Its quite clear to me, so would it make you happier if Xbox360/PC games are coloured red? Would it make them stand out enough for people to take note of the differences? Its an easy fix and if it'd make more people happy I don't see why the OP can't make that simple change. Make it bolder/larger font. Whats the compromise to make you happy?

Squilliam said:

For people using this thread as a tool for comparison between the Xbox360 and the PS3 the PC is usually excluded, and for good reason.

What about people trying to use this thread as a comparison between the Wii and the Xbox 360? What happens to those PS3/360 "exclusives" that are not on the list? The PS3 would have to be excluded too, so in that case you could add those PS3/360 multiplats to the list?

That would be a further complication, but if you're dissatisfied then I'll work with you to create a thread thats more representative of the different markets. A sticky in the games section with PC/Wii/PS3/Xbox360 games and I would work with you on it if you want.  

Squilliam said:

Besides anything else, arguing semantics here is bad form. Why don't you take the debate somewhere else, like another thread if you're interested in discussing it. Its not appropriate to do so here, since the OP has laid the ground rules and put in many hours of effort to give us all this tool to use.

I'm not doubting the effort the OP made with the thread, but the truth is PC/360 is NOT exclusive, unless you gang up PC and 360 against the rest.

One word for OP: I'm not asking you to remove the semi-exclusives, though it would be the most accurate thing to do. But how about splitting the list into 2 lists: the first for the real exclusives, and the second for the PC/360 games. Atleast it would make things more noticeable.

Formatting would be difficult and it would hurt the ordering system hes got. My earlier point of just writing the title in a different colour would suffice to make it stand out right?


