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Nope wont' and can't happen. It's not about the machine really. It's about the job of the machine. Yes a lower price point will increase sales. The difference is that the Wii/Nintendo has added new values to the gaming industry. Ones that Sony doesn't spend much effort on getting.

It's really simple. If 10% of the world are hardcore gamers and 60% of the rest of the world were gamers of the non hardcore style(pogo, "casual"...) it still comes to reason that the 60% won't just suddently uptake the PS3. Simple PS3 games and interface style don't apeal to them. People who play Bejeweled or Boom Blox alot are not DMC, GTA, FF, MGS players.

Since the Wii supports both types of games the Wii is the more viable console for that 60% and some of the 10% that get both or want new experiences. So it's not a matter of price point anymore it's matter of values.

To address a matter. the PS3 cannot return to glory. The PS3 never had glory. What your hoping for from others is a justification of teenage game focused company will once again become the dominent because they pay attention to you. Keep in mind that there are far more movies out there than Hellboy, Friday 13, Riddick... there are lot's of Dramas, situational, cop, comedy, adventure, romance....

Imagine the movie industry making just Hellboy and some such movies. Sooner or later it's going to get boring. They could only make bigger meaner Helboy/Batmand like movies. Would the movie industry be as big. No, it would only appeal to 10% of it's current market :)

So I reitterate No. Sony will not be the market dominent this generation. If Sony were to wake up and see the new values maybe they will make in roads into the broader market rather than the always has been but, spotlight niche group.

Squilliam: On Vgcharts its a commonly accepted practice to twist the bounds of plausibility in order to support your argument or agenda so I think its pretty cool that this gives me the precedent to say whatever I damn well please.