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Some kind advice wide generalizations do not help one in debates. They can be picked apart like a dessicated carcass on the side of the information super highway. The kill cannot be defended.

First Japan is no more a friend to Sony then it is to Microsoft. They both enjoy abysmal sales, and as others have pointed out so often. Japan is very much a one console market. Even then it is also a very small market accounting for less then twenty percent of the world market. The market just is not as relevant as many posters believe.

Second nobody agrees on what will happen in the high definition war. A great many myself included suspect that if the Arcade is announced to be two hundred dollars next month that the trends of the past few months will have a complete reversal. I would even say Microsoft will probably have issues meeting demand. There is a sizable number of consumers in North America that refuse to pay more then two hundred dollars for a console. They are usually just content to wait till their price point happens to be met.

Anyway do not tell everyone what they think, and do not tell us that eighteen percent of the market could dictate the war. That is just patently silly to win with Japan. You must also have at least Europe to compensate for the North American market. Which happens to be Microsoft's predominant market.