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Obliterator1700 said:
sc94597 said:
Obliterator1700 said:


"Also, how do you know that Sony could best the Wii?"

When did I say this?

"Given trends and sales, it is logical to say that the Wii is the most obvious choice."

If we were going by trends then we could say the ps3 will sell 140million.

"The PS3Mote will not be able to catch on due to it being a peripheal and will be given little support."

The ps3 is catching up to the 360...


"What could they do to take all of Nintendo's Casusal, and Non Gamer market in this generation?"

Ps3 still has the ablity to become the target for all audiences.

ANy console does, but the chances of Sony taking the market is very slimm

What were the chance of Wii been the top selling console in 06.

"wii if they downgrade the graphics"

Yea and the gameplay maybe and the storyline...Now that would'nt be a good ported game...

How would gameplay and storyline be downgraded?

The disc space. There are many aspects in gameplay.

"What does that have to do with this arguement."

Movie audience

The movie audience would want to buy a gaming console? If they only buy it for blu-ray then that means they won't be buying games including Kh3 so that point is moot.

How would you know this? They might suddenly decided to pick up a game. Your first part of you sentence, your answer to your question is yes people would but a gaming console for Blue ray...



1 That is different because that heppended when the new generation came. The chances of the ps3 outselling the wii si about the same as the gamecube outselling the ps2 when you look at sales 2 years into their lives.

2 The disc space isn't a problem for wii games because they are in SD which means less space is needed, Also some of my favorite stories come from 4mb snes cartridges. As for gameplay, you still have to tell me that.

3 Yes, but the chances are very slim, and I wouldn't use people interested in Hi Def video as a demographic of gaming. Not unless these demographics overlap which means very little people. Why hasn't blu-ray helped it yet already if that was the case?