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A really good game. Just remember to wait for Shadow. Unless you don't like him. Anyways great game. Good plot. Villians you love to hate.

Games like this have some grinding involved. FF games less so, but you may need a bit here and there. Theres a way to avoid grinding for most of the game if you do it early. When you have Tera alone in the first cave there is a sleep point. You need a tent. If you level up here for awhile you will do great. I believe most of your allies you get along the way will start with a level relative to your own. So if your ahead they will be too. It makes the game far easier and you can enjoy the RP far more.

If you need to grind before the end there is a forest that has a really tough dinsour. It takes a bit effort at first, but as you kill it a few times it get's easier and easier. It's pretty much the best xp you get in the game. Its also where I had all my characters master magicite.

Squilliam: On Vgcharts its a commonly accepted practice to twist the bounds of plausibility in order to support your argument or agenda so I think its pretty cool that this gives me the precedent to say whatever I damn well please.