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DTG, you've probably had your fill of getting burnt today, but still cant let this one pass.
Batman comics has made it clear many times that Bruce Wayne uses a different, scary kind of voice as Batman, otherwise getting his identity blown is pretty easy.
And please dont forget that Solid Snake was a copy of Snake Plissken from the "Escape from" movies. And lets face it, a "raspy voice" isnt essentially limited to one action hero
I know it for a fact that the guy who made 300 CANNOT do any kind of justice to "The Watchmen". Its a disaster waiting to happen.

"The accumulated filth of all their sex and murders will foam up about their waist and all the whores and politicians will look up and shout "Save us!"...

 ....and I'll look down and whisper  "no."  

                                                                   - Rorschach