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Nintendo Fan Girl said:
pichu_pichu said:
nothing at the moment, don't read books often

your like me you know awesome!


I think you mean "You're like me...". Books are YOUR friend!

I just finished Star Wars: Labyrinth of Evil earlier tonight. It was pretty good, but it just annoys me how all these Star Wars books feel the need to take every little bit of mystery out of the films, spell out a backstory for everything, and ties everything together in some ridiculous way.



For instance, I'm sure most here remember the silver protocal droid we see at the beginning of Episode I. Well, that same droid pops up in this book. Towards the end of the book 3PO has a chance meeting with the silver protocol droid, then tells Padme that the droid offered him some strange advice...that if he were ever offered a memory-wipe, that he should accept it. Come on. It wasn't necessary to foreshadow 3PO's memory-wipe, much less in some silly way as the book did.



Like I said, it's a fine book in many ways, just far too many winks and nudges to Star Wars fans for my liking.


"I feel like I could take on the whole Empire myself."