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Parallel architectures will never be as popular as single-core machines for a simple reason: Most computer users on this planet only use them for one thing at a time, and the applications they use aren't ones that are easily made parallel (web browsing, word processing), except in some professional cases (spreadsheets, databases) which are in a serious minority.

Dual core processors (ones that allow the OS to use one processor, while the user app runs on the other) will be the foundation of desktop PCs for the next half century or more, IMO. Consoles will, in short order, way overpower your commonplace desktop PC in no time -- meaning that frankly, they already do (except the Wii).

Joe Bob and Doris don't need more than two cores, and thus, they won't pay for them. PC game development will always be forced to focus on the lowest common denominator, if it wishes to survive. Past this gen, the consoles might be so much more powerful than the lowest common denominator PC, that PC gaming will truly become a thing of the past.