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Onimusha12 said:
This is a worrisome sign. Retro Gaming is great. But this seems symptomatic of Konami's atrophying franchise library.

Metal Gear Solid is bringing back less and less returns.

Silent Hill has been a downhill trend since the second game in both sales and quality.

Castlevania has remained strong, but seems incapable of evolving into the third dimention of gaming with any real success.

With Metal Gear Solid having not even made its money back yet and the future HD Silent Hill games showing further signs of worry, they're exploration of retro gaming is most likely thier bid to keep their head above water.

Well if they're looking towards Capcom's business model, this is them looking into remakes for the downloadable service the three consoles offer. I know Contra sold pretty damn well over Live, as did Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 1989 Arcade Game. This would be a good source of small continual revenue for them to bring older games onto these services. What you are speaking of are retail releases. Also why would you want Castlevania to "evolve" into the third dimension? Some things are better left in 2D forever. Look at Contra.


Tag: Became a freaking mod and a complete douche, coincidentally, at the same time.