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ctk495 said:
iclim4 said:

Where's the old gang CTK?
WoW? Riot? Luin? Tao? B4L? mm476?

This thread has gotten lonely.

WoW:He is probably playing a pc game or retro gaming.

Riot:Is in a ssbb tourney with Amir,

Luin:I don't know she must be cooking.

Tao:Is switching from timewarner to att uverse plus he has to wait to get a router directly from at&t so he has to wait until they ship it to him

B4L:He loves kart too much :P and almost never plays brawl.

Mm476:The last thing I heard about him is that he is playing pokemon diamond for the ds.

You have a lot of info.

WoW's always retro gaming.

Riot's in an SSBB tourney?
When's he coming back?
I'm curious to know how he will do.

Luin's cooking?
Hope it's bacon! I ca't get enough of that stuff.
Or maybe she's baking GIANT chocolate chip cookies. ^_^


Let's spam his wall and hold it hostage til he comes and play with us!

mm476 stopped playing pokemon because he became a stat whore from what I recall.
Dunno what he's up to lately.

brute said:

  B4L said that he doesnt play SSBB online anymore,only offline

Oh we can change that.
We can be very persuasive. ^_^


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