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@Trestres Square Enix is a developer that can't afford to ignore the wii. That is why FFXIII is the first multiplatform FF. They know the PS3 alone couldn't support enough sales with the huge development costs. This means the more the wii distances itself from the PS360 in all regions the less Square Enix could ignore it. Especially since a lot of the smaller franchises rely on Japan, and the ps3 or 360 just don't have the userbases in Japan for this. So I expect alot of smaller franchises, and a few larger ones like DQ or KH(really disney's franchise, but still developed by SE) to go to the Wii. SE tried to do the same thing with the ds when they were putting all of their support on the PSP. Then after 2 years they started to support the ds like crazy. I expect us to see some more SE support for the Wii this year, and probably play this support in a year or two from now. Also the only rushed cash-in was DQS, and that was probably only to see how well games sold on the wii. The rest of the games look to have some quality behind them.