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I'm sure we already had an idea that Epic dislikes the things Microsoft is doing that keeps them from supporting their consumers. We've seen the quarrel about Xbox Live DLC, but this story from Kotaku should be good news for anybody who wants to get UT3 on the PC. They are also thinking about cross platform play between PC and PS3 as well, that'd be neat if they could get it to work.

"UT3 does not use Games for Windows LIVE. We have not decided about cross platform play between PC and PS3. We're not 100% sure that users want that feature but if we get time we'll play around with it and see how it works. In the mean time we plan to be able to serve the PS3 from PC servers so that should help us gets lots of great servers going."

I don't know about others, but I feel that Windows Live is stupid as it forces you to pay to be able to use their service of features that you were already able to get for free. What's worse is that they're trying to push it on games which will force you to use it if you want to play their games online.  I'd also be really excited if they got cross platform play between PC and PS3 working as well since unlike Windows Live, you wouldn't have to pay for it.