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Man, the problems never cease with Too Human. It kind of looked like a futuristic Matrix when I saw it on G4 a long time ago with it's sword and gun play (I've never played the DMC games so that's why).

Maybe they've been having troubles, I can believe that, but I've seen nothing but complaining and stuff coming from the game and developers. I'm not liking them after they butchered Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes for me. I thought they took it way farther than it had to be by adding all these bullet time and Matrix like similarities in almost every cut-scene. Solid Snake may be cool, but a more realistic port without their 'flare' to the cut-scenes would have been better. Solid Snake is a bad***, but not because he can dodge every bullet, do backflips, dodge missles by jumping off from them, ect. . . 


*edit* this is interesting from 1up.

"Consequently, Silicon Knights did exactly as was rumored: they dropped Unreal Engine 3. Instead, they decided to focus on developing their own tech., dubbed "the Silicon Knights engine." As the game was built upon Epic-produced code, there are still pieces of Unreal Engine 3 in there, but Silicon Knights says that will no longer be the case when Too Human is finished and Silicon Knights should have all rights to the new engine."

Please correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't they have their own engine when they were first making the game, but then when having issues with performance and such (as well as being criticized at E3), switch to the Unreal Engine? This is all weird.