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WiteoutKing said:
The third parties do not want a winner. They want a competitive field. They want to have to make games for multiple consoles to sell their product.

That said, I would not be surprised if there was a mild bias toward the Wii. Not because of brand-name favoritism. But because if the Wii performs well enough, it will open up a new way to make and play games for this and all following generations.


Having said that earlier, let me reverse myself with this hypothetical:

3rd parties make money by selling games. The larger the market, the more games they sell. Sony and MS were largely expanding the market mostly by keeping up with the aging demographic - make games and consoles appealing to older gamers, so that as they get into their 20s and 30s they do not abandon the hobby. Of the 3 consoles, only Nintendo built its strategy on dramatically expanding the existing market well beyond its original parmeters. Thus one could argue, in the long term, the 3rd parties would benefit best by Nintendo's success, in the hopes that next generation, Sony and MS would attempt to copy this strategy, growing the market by even larger margins, and dramaically opening up the market for all 3rd parties to profit.