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My motto for life is a bit complicated. Not some quick little saying or phrase that can be rattled off like a mantra. Rather a chain of thought that I followed to set my steps on the path they needed to walk.

I was really a drift in my life a few years ago and started to think about how to live. I grabbed a pen and some paper and started to right, I thought about friends and family, tried to sum it up into some quick little quip I could spot out when the going got tuff, but no matter how deep it sounded noting felt like a good compass to lead me.

So I tried to think about how it would end and came to the conclusion. When you die no matter if you are prince or pauper, you only have one person with you. That little voice in the back of your head that has been with us since the day we were born.

No one could ever know us better then ourselves right. How would I feel sitting in their watching my body die. Would I regret much or would I be satisfied with all I have done. Would my mid drift to those I love or would I focus on those I don’t like? We I go back over my life will it be full of strife, love, laughter, fun, or hate?

(take a moment now and ask yourselves those questions)

As I sat there lost in these thought I concluded that this s what I need for a motto, this is how I can set my goal for life. Even if in the scheme of things I might not matter, to my friends and family I wanted to be and be seen as something grand. To all those that were able to get close I wanted them to know it.

I decide that I wanted to e a good husband some day and a great father. I wanted to be an honorable stranger and a trusted friend. I wanted to know peace in my heart and love for my fellow man, even if at times it is hard to forgive those that might spit in your path.

I didn’t want to stress over the small stuff because no matter how many small stuff I might stress over there will always, and I do mean always, be more. I never wanted to miss a chance to tell those I love that I really do love them because I will never know when it might be the last time I get that chance. I never wanted to let those I care about forget how important they are to me.

I wanted to always try to do the right thing for those around me, even if it meant a little sacrifice. After all you never know how big a small thing might turn out to be for some.

And above all else I wanted to learn to truly laugh at myself and forgive my faults. So that when the day comes that I have to pay my tab and I am left with just that little voice in my head I wont be disappointed with where my life is at.

Sure I might slip a little every now and then, after all I am humane, but I don’t get discouraged because I know I am doing what is right for me